Welcome to the home of the alumni of Sigma Chi of State College PA


Developing value-based leaders committed to betterment of character, campus and community.

The Alpha Chi Chapter’s New and Improved Alumni Website

Explore our alumni hub to exchange stories with friends, attend get-togethers, and reconnect with the best group of alumni in the world.

We’re missing some alumni’s contact information and we need your help to reconnect with them. Please review the current lists of lost brothers and contact us if you see a brother you know.

Recent News


All Honor to his Name

We are saddened to report the passing of Michael Canzian ‘74. Michael was a very popular and well-loved Brother. To read the full obituary as posted on Legacy.com, please keep

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Upcoming Events

Jun 06
35th Annual Sigma Chi Golf Classic
Penn State Golf Courses - 1523 W College Ave

The Honor Roll of Donors

The Honor Roll of Donors recognizes alumni who have contributed to the Alpha Chi Chapter of Sigma Chi Annual Fund since the giving year began on October 1. Thank you to all of our generous donors for their ongoing loyalty and support.

Give to the Sigma Chi Annual Fund today to add YOUR name to the Honor Roll!