The Sigma Chi Penn State Annual Fund

Call Our Donation Hotline

Send a Check
Checks should be made payable to The Sigma Chi of State College Alumni Association and mailed to our donation processing center:
Sigma Chi of State College
Alumni Relations Processing Center
P.O. Box 876,
Ithaca, NY 14851-0876
Paving the Way Campaign
The Paving the Way for Alpha Chi campaign is well underway with 123 pavers sold and raising $66,000 toward our $400,000 goal. We truly appreciate those brothers who have participated so far!
Funds raised are being directed to reduce the annual operating costs of the chapter by paying off the outstanding mortgage, paying for the new boiler system, replacing the exterior doors, making needed improvements to the basement level and building a reserve for future maintenance needs.

Sponsor an Undergrad
Please consider directing your contribution to undergraduate training. Sigma Chi provides numerous leadership workshops, including the Horizons Program and Balfour Leadership Training Workshop. You can learn more about the programs here:
Click here to download a letter from the undergraduates that conveys the importance of these programs to the chapter.