Thanks to Frank Platt ’79 for participating in this Q&A.

Why did you join Sigma Chi as an undergraduate?  
The attraction to Sigma Chi as an undergrad was the brotherhood.  As a rushing freshman, you get a view of numerous fraternities, but the camaraderie and friendship at Sigma Chi stood out as something special.  Once I became a brother, the ideals of Sigma Chi were easily embraced and opportunities to grow were endless.
What is the funniest memory from your Sigma Chi days?  
In the three and a half years of my undergrad experience, there were too many funny memories to mention.  One in particular was our participation in the Homecoming parade with the Delta Gamma sorority.  We build a replica of Beaver Stadium with the Nittany Lion seated at one end, dumping out a cereal box of Syracuse Orangemen in the bowl and eating them.  I am not sure if the lion looked more like a rat or a feline.  We jammed one of the guys in the float to operate it.  Around the float, we carried signs proclaiming our status as the number one team, and held a three foot replica of a hand, in the number one position.  Somehow we lost the hand replica that Friday, but in watching the game on TV the next day, it was being passed throughout the student section.

What is the single fondest memory you have shared/will share with your children and grandchildren?
The memories from Sigma Chi remain some of the fondest memories I have. The Sigma Chi house itself, and the parties we had are memories that I will always carry.  Watching the parties from the balcony, or even from the rafters, are still vivid in my mind.
How do you stay connected with your brothers as an alumnus?  
Early after graduation, it was natural to stay in touch with many of the brothers.  Weddings, parties and football games were an effortless way to stay in touch.  But as time marches on, we get distracted by our careers and family. Things are coming full circle now, as my children have moved on to college. It gives us more time to reflect and catch up. Similarly, my children’s experiences remind me of a time that has past and the need to stay in touch.
I have attended the annual golf reunion, although not for some time.  I also have kept tabs on some of my peers through email, through the Sigma Chi website and through LinkedIn.  It is interesting to see how many brothers are in related businesses, and great to run into them at conferences, trade shows and other events.
Have you visited Happy Valley since graduation?  
I have visited Happy Valley regularly, usually in conjunction with football games.  I try to get to one or two games a year, and now have a freshman daughter to visit. I often tell my kids, or others considering Penn State that Happy Valley will always remain special to me.  Any time I visit, it makes me feel like I am twenty years old again. That feeling of youth can’t be reproduced anywhere, and it is based in the fond memories I have in my experience.
What about your membership in Sigma Chi makes you the most proud?  
Sigma Chi has a long tradition and history, with a bond that connects me to thousands of members and alumni.  The values of our fraternity are timeless, and provide steering for me throughout my entire life.
How would your life be different today if you had never joined Sigma Chi?  
My experience at Alpha Chi instilled leadership, organizational skills and interpersonal traits that I would have never seen if I had stayed out of the fraternity.  I can directly relate my success in business to the activities at Sigma Chi including Leadership Training, participation as Pro Counsel, Magister, Social Chairman and Caterer. Interacting with alumni as a pledge was an accelerator to moving into the world of business.
If you could go back and relive one moment from your Sigma Chi years, what would it be and why?  
It would probably be initiation day, an incredible completion of hard work and focus with pledge brothers that I will never forget.  Finishing the difficult period of pledging and connecting to the Sigma Chi bond was a moment that I will always cherish.
Where has life taken you since graduation? What’s new in your life today?  
Since graduation, I jumped into the world of sales and have focused on manufacturing from a process automation and software perspective.  Following an assignment in the Carolinas in the 80s with an automation company, I relocated to Philadelphia, married and raised three children. Along with a few friends we started a software firm and successfully sold it to SAP a few years back. I continue to evangelize the value of software for manufacturing companies and have been fortunate to travel around the world and experience many cultures.
Who do you stay connected with in your alumni years?  
I have crossed paths with lots of brothers and am always glad to catch up. In recent years, I joined a Philadelphia area country club, and expanded my connections with other brothers – members at the club from Sigma Chi, Alpha Chi Chapter are from the 50s (Lou Riggs ‘56), 60s (Jim  Beam ‘69), 70’s (me) and 80’s (Mark Lambright ‘93). We are all proud of our Sigma Chi heritage and are blessed by our bond.
Why would you encourage other brothers to engage with Sigma Chi in their alumni years?
Sigma Chi makes a life time mark on each of us.  I make sure to contribute financially to assure it continues for future generations. 
What is the best thing about your alumni experience?  
The best thing is the fantastic memories, and being able to share them with brothers, friends and family.

Connect with Frank at [email protected].