Paving the Way Campaign

The Paving the Way for Alpha Chi campaign is well underway with 123 pavers sold and raising $66,000 toward our $400,000 goal. We truly appreciate those brothers who have participated so far!
Funds raised are being directed to reduce the annual operating costs of the chapter by paying off the outstanding mortgage, paying for the new boiler system, replacing the exterior doors, making needed improvements to the basement level and building a reserve for future maintenance needs.
Pledge classes that have 100% of their members each purchase an individual paver will also have a pledge class paver installed at no additional cost to the brothers, so purchase your paver and make sure your pledge brothers do the same!
“As I reflect on the successful careers of many of the brothers who were around during my time, the importance of the life skills we all learned during our time in the Chapter cannot be ignored. The value of long-lasting friendships has been a blessing in my life! It is important that we all support the future of the Alpha Chi Chapter so that our next generations of leaders receive and learn from the same Sigma Chi experience that you and I were privileged to enjoy.” Jerry Wade, 1984
Brothers who individually purchase a 12X12 paver or 24X24 paver will also be included in a Paving the Way for Alpha Chi campaign composite that will be displayed in the Alpha Chi chapter house.
Buy Your Paver now and pave the way for the future of Alpha Chi
Bonus Offer – Free Class Paver – Get your Pledge Class signed up
If 100% of your Pledge class purchases a Paver, you get a Paver commemorating your Pledge class on the walk of fame at 400 East Prospect Avenue. If the entire class buys the 8×8 paver, then the Pledge Class Paver will be the same size and placed in proximity to all the individual brothers from that class.

4X8 Paver ($300)
Up to 3 lines of text, with a limit of 18 characters/line, including spaces between words.
Line 1- Frank “Spooney” (15 characters)
Line 2- Raymond
Line 3- 1971
8×8 Paver ($600)
Up to five lines of text with 18 characters/line, including spaces.
12×12 Paver ($1,000)
It can accommodate six lines of text with 18 characters/line, including spaces.
24×24 Paver ($5,000)
It can accommodate eight lines of text with 18 characters/line, including spaces.
24×24 Paver ($10,000)
It can accommodate eight lines of text with 18 characters/line, including spaces.
We would like to recognize the following brothers who have either purchased a paver or whose name appears on a paver. Thank you to them for their continued support of our Chapter. If you have any questions regarding a paver purchase, please contact Steve Pracht ’76 at 404-940-4011 or [email protected].
H. Stuckeman | 1937 | Kenneth Kincak | 1984 |
John Rath | 1950 | Marc Watrel | 1984 |
John Garber | 1955 | Michael Brown | 1985 |
James Corrigan | 1957 | Scott Cassara | 1985 |
Sidney Nodland | 1957 | William Farkos | 1985 |
Edward Junker III | 1959 | William Fricker | 1985 |
Norbert Connors | 1960 | Michael Guelker | 1985 |
Ronald Rinker | 1960 | Robert Lowry | 1985 |
Louis Meier | 1962 | Douglas Shaw | 1985 |
David Ashley | 1963 | Eric Ward | 1985 |
David Kline USA, RET | 1964 | William Burns | 1986 |
Jeffrey Pruner | 1965 | Kell Cannon | 1986 |
Lawrence Seethaler | 1965 | Timothy Conway | 1986 |
George Cascino | 1966 | Jeffrey Hamilton | 1986 |
Paul Diehl PhD | 1966 | Kurt Imdorf | 1986 |
J. Keller MD | 1966 | Mark Polinski | 1986 |
Louis Simone Jr. | 1966 | Frederick Radford | 1986 |
Donald Biehn | 1967 | Wilmer Woodrum III | 1986 |
Vernon Dibeler II | 1967 | Eric Koval | 1987 |
Robert Ianarelli | 1967 | Stephen Miller | 1987 |
James Raphaelian | 1967 | Robert Shuster | 1987 |
Eric Yarger | 1967 | Thomas Giacalone | 1988 |
Andrew Gildersleeve | 1968 | James Holmes | 1988 |
Ronald Roberson Sr. | 1968 | J. Patrick Mooney Jr. | 1988 |
Kenneth Strohm Jr. | 1968 | Daniel Schlegel | 1988 |
James Beam | 1969 | Christopher Calabretta | 1989 |
William Bolla | 1969 | Scott Fozard | 1989 |
Michael Manning | 1969 | Douglas Tepper | 1989 |
John Hill Jr. | 1970 | Remmie Butchko | 1990 |
Brian Vogel | 1970 | John Crawford Jr. | 1990 |
Stephen Lueckel | 1971 | Christopher Lacey | 1990 |
Andrew Miller | 1971 | Keith Olivia | 1990 |
Eric Patzer | 1971 | Scott Thomas English | 1991 |
Frank Raymond MSW | 1971 | Mark Hershey Esq. | 1991 |
Thomas Strohm | 1971 | Christian Kiser | 1991 |
Ted Wile | 1971 | David Lundberg | 1991 |
Daniel Eckenrode | 1972 | Michael Cote | 1992 |
James Cooper | 1973 | Kenneth Demaree | 1992 |
Harry Hamilton | 1973 | Christopher Leath | 1992 |
John Rath Jr. | 1973 | Robert Kemmerer | 1993 |
Philip Thomas | 1973 | Marc Lambright | 1993 |
Rodney Fletcher | 1974 | Robert Ketterer | 1994 |
Robert Ball | 1975 | David Kluxen III | 1994 |
Paul Herbert | 1975 | David Levis | 1994 |
Bruce Karper III | 1975 | Yuri Brunetti | 1996 |
Gary Mulholland | 1975 | Eugene Eignor | 1998 |
Robert Corl | 1976 | Steven Murphy | 1999 |
William Gifford | 1976 | Kevin Wicks | 1999 |
Stephen Pracht | 1976 | Joshua Zech | 1999 |
Peter Hartshorn | 1977 | Blair Anger | 2001 |
Mark Sixour | 1977 | Christopher Bolla | 2002 |
Bruce Hartshorn | 1978 | John Russo Jr. | 2002 |
James Long | 1978 | David Knapp | 2003 |
Matthew Malcolm | 1978 | Drew Boesel | 2004 |
John Robinson Jr. | 1978 | Brian Fejka | 2010 |
Thomas Wood | 1978 | Anthony Celin | 2012 |
David Yancey | 1978 | Matthew Harleman | 2012 |
Francis Platt | 1979 | Dylan Cascino | 2013 |
William Wells Jr. | 1979 | Andrew Herbert | 2013 |
David Ball | 1980 | Troy Coville | 2014 |
Martin Digel | 1980 | Ari Cowen | 2014 |
Daniel Johnson | 1980 | Michael Fasano | 2014 |
John Rommel | 1980 | Matthew Gordon | 2014 |
James Clark | 1981 | Harrison Horn | 2014 |
John Felleisen | 1981 | Richard Hume | 2014 |
Thomas Adams | 1982 | Cody McCauley | 2014 |
Mark Carey | 1982 | Charles Meyer | 2014 |
Joseph Conaty | 1982 | Tyler Oleski | 2014 |
Bernard Herron | 1982 | George Riccardo | 2014 |
David Lansdowne | 1982 | Thomas Rusie | 2014 |
James Lundy II | 1982 | Steven Severino | 2014 |
Michael Masciola CPA | 1982 | Ethan Shuster | 2014 |
David Overstreet | 1982 | Steven Spinelli | 2014 |
Jeffrey Painter | 1982 | Matthew Zimmerman | 2015 |
John Saludis | 1982 | Connor Zimmerman | 2016 |
Bradley Samargya | 1982 | Collin Conaty | 2017 |
Arthur Weber III | 1982 | Thomas Jensen | 2017 |
F. French | 1983 | James Holler | 2019 |
Richard Hume | 1983 | John Delaney | 2020 |
Thomas Morgan | 1983 | Aidan Zimmerman | 2020 |
Kevin Murray | 1983 | William Delaney | 2022 |
Barry Reichenbaugh | 1983 | Benjamin Delaney | 2022 |
James Rommel | 1983 | Andrew Dixon | 2022 |
John Alge | 1984 | Jonathan Shuster | 2023 |
Jerry Wade Jr. | 1984 | Morgan Wade | 2024 |